Online Training For Older Adults
Here’s my grandma who has recently started training with me.
As we move further into the technology era personal training becomes more accessible for more people. Thanks to tools like Zoom and Facetime training is now accessible to pretty much anyone anywhere. This helps so many people. There are many people afraid to step in a gym. Many others are unable to reach the gym but would still benefit from a personal trainer. This is especially true to older adults and retirees. If This applies to you or someone one in your life its not too late to start. Even if you are not retired you will benefit from this info.
Now if you are not retired, this article may still be of value to you or at least most of it. I will be covering some key elements of online training and getting setup.
In this Article I will be covering:
• How to get your computer or phone setup.
• Setting up your space for sessions.
• What equipment you need.
• The benefits of training for older adults (although these are not exclusive to online training or older adults, they are just what I see as the most important benefits for older adults from training).
Online training can take on different forms. Online training usually means providing the client with a program, check-ins and other support as necessary. FI will refer to online training as one on one or group sessions on Zoom. Some older adults may benefit from this approach to training.
I once believed that in person training was superior to video training. As I’ve gained experience in my career, I see Zoom training having advantages over even in-person training. In person training has its own unique advantages but online training allows coaches the availability to reach more people then ever. This applies to older adults that have never been in a gym and feel anxious about going, that have problems traveling to the gym (possibly can’t drive), and snowbirds who are travelling south in the winter but would like to keep the same trainer year round.
Gym anxiety is a real thing for many people. They may have no workout experience. They are scared to be taken advantage of by sleazy salespeople and to look foolish. Home workouts with a trainer online or in person will build up their confidence to one day set foot into a gym. Even if they don’t go into a gym, they will still get tons of health benefits just from working out at home. As you are reading this you may realize one or more of these benefits apply to you.
Many suffer with issues getting around. They lose their ability to walk or travel from place to place. An individual in a wheelchair may struggle to get to the gym because they can’t drive. If they want to go to the gym, they must arrange a ride and accessibility can be limited for them. They can still benefit greatly from exercising in a wheelchair, or if they struggle to walk. Zoom makes training more accessible for these people. It becomes easier for them to exercise and get the benefits.
My grandparents are snowbirds every year when the snow comes, along with other retirees that have no desire to deal with the snow. Honestly I don’t blame them, the cold sucks. I have trained a few snowbirds, a lot of them really like having a trainer. They constantly flip-flopping trainers between south and north and rarely have the same trainer each year. They are the ones that get hurt from this. I see an issue of while travelling back and forth there is a time lapse of not exercising. If they had an online trainer, they could have access workouts on while traveling. This would avoid leaving them without support. This lack of support leads to inactivity for months at a time. If you like the in-person training that’s fine, personally I see huge opportunity to help snowbirds stay active with no long periods of inactivity. You could also work with your trainer half the time in person and half the time online.
Online training can be a great way to get started exercising from home. Lets Talk about how to get started with Zoom.
How to Download Zoom/Be Ready For Your Trainer
**Note not every trainer will choose to use Zoom for their video sessions with clients. Some may choose applications like Google meets, Discord or Facetime and if you are working with a trainer that uses a different application, they will have to teach you how to use it. *
I choose to use Zoom with my clients. Here is a guide to download and use Zoom. Being ready and having a step-by-step guide will make it easier to get training with one less thing to worry about; getting into training for the first time can be stressful enough without figuring out technology. Simply follow the instructions below to download Zoom onto your laptop, phone, or tablet.
Step by step Guide for downloading zoom for laptop:
1.) Go to on your web browser (or click the link I just left there for the website)
2.) On the Top Right of your there is a tab labeled “resources” hover over it and move your mouse down to click “download zoom client”
3.) The First option will be “zoom client for meetings” use the blue download button underneath it and zoom will begin downloading onto your computer.
4.) Zoom should then appear on your desktop but if it does not it will be in the downloads file on your computer. Double click the zoom tab on your desktop or in your downloads.
5.) Zoom is installed and good to go.
Step by step guide for downloading zoom for phone or tablet:
1.) Go to your app store on your phone or tablet.
2.) Search “Zoom”
3.) Download free zoom app onto your phone.
4.) Zoom is installed and good to go.
Now that you have zoom on your phone the next thing you will need to know is how to accept a meeting for training.
Accepting a zoom Meeting:
1.) Trainer sends you a invite to the meeting with a meeting link
2.) Click the meeting link and the zoom application will open.
3.) Accept the meeting to use sound and video.
Once you are in the meeting, check to make sure that your sound and video are functioning properly. Next, I will be talking about setting up your training space.
Setting Up Home Training Space
Okay so now you have zoom setup next on the list is getting your space setup for training. Let us make a list of the things we need to think about and dive into deeper depth:
1.) Nice open Space
2.) Something to prop your phone up (Tripod or Water Bottle)
3.) Your equipment prepped in the space you are using.
First, a nice open space; this is going to important so that you can prop your computer/ phone up fare enough away that your trainer can see you. I have had clients before that try to workout in a very closed off space and it makes it impossible to see their entire body while exercising. This Definitely is not ideal for your coach to be able to monitor your form and critique your movements to make sure you are moving in the safest possible way. Do not get me wrong it does not have to be a gigantic space and you can work with what you have but do your best to position your camera in the best possible to best utilize the space you have.
Which brings me to my next point having something to prop up your phone to get the best camera angle so your coach can see you clearly. The easiest way to do this is to purchase a phone tripod. These can easily be found at your local best buy or ordered on amazon and relatively inexpensive. Alternatively, you can also just use a water bottle to prop up your phone. If you can prop up your phone and move it around for your coach so they can check your form from different angle you are set.
Finally, when your session starts you do not want to be running all around your house gathering up all of your equipment for the workout. Get everything prepared in advance within your space so you are ready to go and can make the most out of your session. Next, I will be covering exactly what equipment you may need in order to be prepared for your training.
The equipment you need will be dependant on your experience level of working out. To make significant results you may need a full home gym setup with a barbell, plates and squat rack. Most people, beginners and intermediate lifters will be fine with much less equipment. Working out at home can be very affordable. So, lets talk about what I consider to be the essentials of at home training for older adults:
1.) Set of Detachable handle bands (On amazon for $30-$50)
2.) A set of Dumbbells or kettlebells
3.) A box, chair, or step
4.) A wooden dowel
5.) A sweat towel, good shoes, and a water bottle
Not all of theses are mandatory for you to have great workouts at home. Many things you could purchase to go above and beyond for greater results.
First thing on the list I am going to go ahead and say is mandatory for all. Bands are an essential part of having successful home workouts. They are versatile and open the amount of exercises you can do. They are relatively inexpensive and for $30-$50 you can get a good set of bands that will last you a long time and give you a variety of tensions. I would strongly suggest looking for a set that comes with a door anchor. Bands are easy on the joints and a really easy way to make exercises harder and easier. Most band sets come with bands from 10lbs to 50lbs of tension and you can be combined for greater resistance. Bands provide the ability to do a lot of pulling exercise that you otherwise could not.
I will be talking about kettlebells and dumbbells but will just refer to them as dumbbells. There are some differences between the two and you many want both but their primary functions within any workout is close to the same. Dumbbells might not be a necessary thing to get but you probably will still want them if not right away eventually. Dumbbells are going to work in a different way then bands do. Both apply resistance on your muscles which will allow you to build muscle and get stronger to fight the process of aging. With bands the resistance changes as the band gets longer and shorter. With dumbbells the resistance being placed on your muscles stays the same through the entire movement. This mimics what you will do picking objects up in your daily life. You may not need dumbbells at home if you are choosing to workout at home for the first few months then go to a gym or if you are planning to do some workouts at home and some at the gym but even then, it never hurts to have one or two sets of dumbbells around the house for workouts.
The next things you want will be something to sit onto and something to step up onto. You done need some fancy piece of equipment to get this done you can use your dining room chairs and the steps within your house to save some money. A purchased foam box or stackable steps can be useful tools. It will save you from wandering all over the house in your workouts and it will give you a variation of different of heights to help you pick and choose how low you want to squat and how high you want to step up. This can be an essential part of gaining mobility and being able to move better along with getting stronger. These are not a necessary piece of equipment, but I do strongly suggest a foam box or stackable steps to any who wants ease of use in their home workouts.
My Client Lara performing a Weighted Step-up.
A wooden dowel can be an amazing mobility and teaching tool. For beginners I will often use a wooden dowel to teach them how to keep your back flat on a hinging type of movement. Its also a great tool for a variety of different stretches as well as it can be used to provide additional support for people on movements like a step-up. If you do not have a dowel already or an old broom handle, I do not think is something you need to have but an awesome tool of it is something you already have laying around the house.
The essentials that everyone needs to are, a sweat towel, indoor shoes, and a water bottle. While working out you will want to get sweat out of your eyes. Sweat getting in your eye is uncomfortable. Having some grippy indoor shoes will ensure that you do not slip and fall. The last thing you need is to get seriously injured from a fall while working out. A water bottle for hydration helps you avoid getting lightheaded or passing out. Having a plastic water bottle or cup; if you have glass and your hands get shaky from the workout you may drop your glass and it will break.
The Benefits of Resistance Training for Older Adults
There are many benefits to strength/resistance training for anyone but as the research becomes more and more vast, we realize that the benefits of training for older adults is endless. It is the key keeping your movement independence so you can continue to do the things you love. Through resistance training and exercise it can be the birth of you trying things you had not thought possible. Maybe you wanted to try ball room dancing your whole life and in retirement you finally have time. You are worried about “your bad back” resistance training will make you strong and confident enough that age WILL NOT get in your way.
1.) Increased Mobility
2.) Decreased Muscle atrophy
3.) Better Bone density
4.) Better cognitive function
5.) Less risk of disease
6.) Mood management
Mobility simply put is one’s ability to move. We can break mobility down into flexibility and strength within a given movement. If you want to tie your shoes you must be flexible enough in your hamstrings to touch your toes and strong enough to lift you back up after. You must have the lower back strength to hold the position for long enough to tie your shoes as well as the hand strength to perform the move your fingers to perform shoe tying. Now when we look at the Dumbbell Romanian deadlift, we perform in a strength workout it works all these things. Your hamstrings are being brought through a stretch and gain flexibility and strength. Your lower back is bracing the weight and getting stronger to hold the shoe tying position. Your hands are getting stronger by holding the weights to keep the muscles strong enough to tie shoes. Mobility is one of the major benefits of working out. It will help you move better and keep you moving better allowing you to continue doing basic life movements like tying your shoes, sitting on the toilet, putting the dishes away, and walking. Absent strength training you will lose a lot of the mobility to perform daily life functions as you age.
The biggest issues, you will face is muscle loss. Muscle loss can occur in seven days or less. This is important cause as mentioned above your muscles are what give you the ability to move. Loss of muscle will result in loss of function. This will contribute to decline in quality of life as well as increased injury risk. Muscle function is how you do all the physical activities you enjoy. If you like bowling, you need muscle function to do so. Golfing, tennis, walking, even just the ability to get off the toilet all involve your muscles function. Lack of strength training will lead to the inability to do these things. As you lose muscle and get weaker the chances of you overexerting yourself in a daily life task increases significantly. This can very easily lead to injuries. These injuries can lead to awfully expensive surgeries. As you can see muscle loss is a problem. This may sound like what you feel happening to you. To avoid muscle loss, resistance train at least once a week, but ideally twice or more combined with some very light daily activity; like walking if that’s an option for you.
Increased bone density is a benefit of resistance training. Broken bones from tripping and falling is common among older adults. The chances of you breaking a bone from an accident becomes less likely through resistance training. A broken bone will not only take you out of training but out of your daily life activities. This will lead to increased muscle loss as well as decreased quality of life. If a broken bone does occur (or any injury) I suggest working around the injury instead of discontinuing exercise all together to minimize the muscle loss. With strength training this should be less likely to occur however we always want to have a backup plan in the case of an injury or broken bone.
Exercise is also shown to improve cognitive function. A concern is dementia and memory loss. Whereas exercise may not be the cure for these things it is shown to slow the loss of cognitive function. Exercise of any kind is a great way to stay mentally sharp into older age.
Exercise is shown to decrease your risk of disease. Cancer risk is shown to decrease slightly with exercise. The big disease risk that is reduced is anything to do with the heart. Resistance and cardio training (anything that increases your heart rate) will help strengthen your heart and will reduce the risk of heart attacks, heart failure and heart disease. Having a strong heart and lungs is never a bad thing. I find just walking will help tremendously with this however resistance training will help as much and help with muscle loss which walking alone will not.
Nobody wants to be known as that cranky person on the block. Exercise is huge in managing mood and mental illness. You may find yourself feeling alone and needing to socialize to help you mood. Working with a trainer online or in-person gives you needed human interaction. In the time of writing this article we are in varied levels of shutdown across the world due to Covid-19. These lockdowns have cut down drastically on social interaction if not completely isolating individuals. Online interaction may not feel the same as in-person but getting to interact with your trainer on a zoom call or being part of a zoom workout with your friends will make you feel less alone.
There are many health benefits to exercising here are some that I feel may apply to you.
Lara is 51 years old and the strongest she’s ever been. She holds 2 powerlifting World Records for her age.
Online/ Zoom training may not be the best option for you as an individual but even if it is not, I hope this article motivates you to get up, get moving and start getting stronger. I believe one of the key principals to not letting the process of aging affect your quality of life is to continue pushing yourself to get stronger in a slow and safe way.
If you are looking to get started with online training please reach out to me at my email listed below. I would be honoured to guide you in your training journey.
*If you are a fellow trainer reading this, you should strongly consider using zoom sessions to help clients that cannot make sessions. For example, its cold outside and their car will not start? No problem lets jump on Zoom and get a workout in. This will not be a good option for all but especially for beginners this can be a great way to help clients stay consistent and be flexible. As mentioned before if a client is enjoying retirement by traveling all over the place zoom can allow you to give them the consistency and assistance they need, wherever they need it.